Sunday, September 23, 2012

Graham Crackers

When I was little I could make one graham cracker last forever. I would break my cracker into many little pieces. Then I would methodically soak each little piece in my milk for just the right amount of time to achieve the desired balance.

For the past eight days we have been in Turkey. Our flight into Tel Aviv from Istanbul arrived at around 2 am this morning. When I woke up in my bed in the Jerusalem Center I must say I felt a little surprised. Was my time in Turkey truly over? I tried to savor every single second of that experience. I thought that if I tried extra hard to soak everything in that somehow time would slow down.

Apparently not.

I am not too discouraged. I will continue to relish every single second. Maybe, just maybe, I can make this graham cracker last a little longer.

1 comment:

  1. Weird coincidence. Yesterday, I brought a graham cracker to work for my morning snack (the first time for the school year)! I couldn't stop smiling for awhile after I read this blog! It has taken me two days, but I finished listening to Elder Holland's talk about Israel Israel God is Calling. I took a page of notes (front and back) and really felt his love as he spoke. I'm speaking at a youth conference this Sunday on modesty and moral courage so some of his thoughts were helpful! Thanks for suggesting it! Keep it coming!
