Sunday, November 18, 2012

Going to the Galilee

Well tomorrow I am off to spend two weeks at the Sea of Galilee. My studies will be focused on the life of Christ while I am there. I am not going to have much, if any, access to the internet and my laptop is breaking so I am not going to bring it with me.

Blogging has been a strange experience for me... I know I want to do it so that I can remember things but I never want to devote the necessary time to it.

I probably won't blog much in the next two weeks. But maybe I will have better internet access than expected.


Christ gave his Sermon on the Mount near the Sea of Galilee and many other beautiful events from the Bible occurred in this place.

I am so excited. My New Testament teacher knows his stuff and I look forward to our lessons.

The Galilee trip has loomed ahead of me at the end of my calendar. Something I looked forward to but wasn't ready for because it meant the end was coming.

Here I go.

The Galilee.


  1. The cavalcade is absolute informative. It is a amusement account it. I acquire aswell bookmarked you for blockage out new posts.
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  2. Can't wait to hear about Galilee and see some pics. You have done a spectacular job of posting on this blog. I sincerely appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to post thoughts and pictures ... I have loved it all!
