Friday, November 16, 2012

Bomb Shelter

I was sitting in Liddy's room just talking and munching on tortilla chips when we heard sirens outside. We went outside on the deck and looked out across the city because we weren't sure what they were (I know, dumb). Then we heard the BYU Jerusalem Security chief voice over the intercom directing us to go immediately to the nearest bomb shelter.

Liddy and I ran out into the hallway where students and faculty members were all moving quickly to the shelters.

We sat in the shelter. Nervous chatter. I felt calm but I had no idea what was happening.

Said a prayer.

Then after about thirty minutes the security guards came into the shelter and said we were free to leave.

Here is the deal:

Hamas threatened to target Jerusalem with missiles. They wanted to hit the knesset, the Israeli legislature.

Hamas sent one or two missiles from Gaza and they landed about ten miles south of us in an empty field. They did not even reach Bethlehem.

The sirens went off because radar detected the missiles way before they were close to Jerusalem.

I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about this situation. There were no missiles flying around Jerusalem. The security here is very competent. Threats go back and forth between Israelis and Palestinians. Sometimes with the goal of just creating uneasiness.

I pray for the innocent people that are affected by the actions of few. Especially those living in Gaza that will now most likely face a night of Israeli bombing.

The bomb shelters have been in place at the BYU Center since 1988 and we are the first student group ever to use them. That is something for me to remember.

And just so you know Jerusalem is among the safest areas in the Middle East. The safest area is East Jerusalem where the Center is located. No Muslim country or group is going to endanger the Dome of the Rock of Al Asqa mosques, the Old City or the Arab neighborhoods in the vicinity of the Old City. We are going to be leaving in a few days for the Galilee which is historically a peaceful and tranquil place. Galilee is even farther north than Jerusalem from Gaza.


  1. Not liking this post. Funny how you consider 10 miles a long way away in a small country. That is a little too close.

    1. Yes. It is strange to be in a small country where size is different. Remember, these missiles are not like atomic bombs. Their damage radius is not very big. The Israeli government estimates that Hamas does not have an endless stockpile of missiles do they have probably sent all they had.

  2. ...and another thing--First to use the bomb shelter is not impressive.

  3. I did not say it was impressive. Just something I will never forget.
