Friday, August 31, 2012

Old Testament Failure

Well I can't think of a better way to start of my first Old Testament class then to look at the questions in front of me and have that sinking "I don't know anything" feeling. And yes, I failed miserably. The courses offered by the Jerusalem Center have always sounded interesting to me. I am thrilled to be taking a break from the heavy science load I have had the past few semesters due to my major. Here in Jerusalem I am taking Intro to Arabic, Near Eastern Studies, Arab and Islamic Civilization, Jewish Civilization, Old and New Testament. Before my arrival to the Holy Land I was aware that the course load was rather rigorous… However, I must say that this quiz rather blew me away. Read Genesis 12-17 and then take your own swing at these questions if you’d like.

1. What are the names of Abraham's two brothers?

2. Who is Milcah and whom did she marry?

3. Why did Abraham go to Egypt?

4. Who was first called "the Hebrew"?

5. Where in Canaan did Abraham go after he separated from Lot?

6. Who is Eliezer?



  1. I'll try it! I'd really like to read the whole bible after I finish up with the BOM here soon.

  2. Well I aced my second quiz! I also studied for approximately four hours looking up things in the dictionary and cross-referencing and stuff. I think I have a better handle on how to study in the future. Oh and whatever Dad. You did not ace that quiz. I am really liking the Old Testament course I am in. The Old Testament is super strange but my professor is wonderful. I am learning a lot. Instead of reading something and thinking "oh that's weird" and turning the page I am trying to figure stuff out...

  3. Great job!!
    Frank Okoren always finds a way to link OT with Jesus as close as he can using symbolism.
    it is nearly impossible to find some of the symbolism without having a group discussion or hearing from someone who has spent years studying it.
    There is a crazy amount of info in the most confusing and mundane passages.
    Hopefully you can figure out what the teacher wants and lower the studying to 2 or 3 hours.

    Good luck

  4. So proud of you Rachel! Some how, some way, you always figure out a way to excel. Love your blog and am excited I can keep up with you on your experiences in Israel. Thanks for sharing!
